Tips for Getting into the Craft Beer Industry with no Experience

Is the craft beer industry the perfect industry for you? Have you been homebrewing for a few years, absolutely love it, and want to take it from a hobby to a career? Have you never homebrewed but are still captivated by the craft beer industry? If you have little to no experience, trying to get into the craft beer industry may seem like a daunting task. The next six tips will help you get into the craft beer industry so you can enjoy going to work every day.

1.Be humble

If you have little to no experience in the field of craft beer, the first thing you need to remember is that you’re not going to be the star of the show immediately. It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out your career or if you’ve worked your way up the ladder in some other industry, you are probably going to need to start at the bottom. This isn’t a bad thing, especially if you’re someone who likes to know everything about a business. Starting at an entry-level position is a good way to learn the business and industry from the ground up, teaching you everything there is to know about it. It will also make you more comfortable once you start getting into higher positions, knowing that you worked hard to get there.

2. Be persistent

As with any job search, it might take some time to finally land that dream job. The worst thing you can do in any job search is to give up and/or settle. You definitely don’t want to settle for any old job with any old company just to say you have a job. Continue to search and apply for the job you’ve always wanted and you will eventually get it. Put your best foot forward in every resume, cover letter, and interview and the right job for you at the right company will come around.

3. Be confident

You know this is the perfect job for you, so show it! While being confident isn’t the only factor in landing the perfect job, it’s certainly a big factor. A quick google search of “confidence in an interview” returns 181 million results. Being confident will really show through to the interviewer and let them know that you know you’re going to be a good fit. You don’t have to be the most qualified person for the job to be the most confident. Know that you’re passionate about the industry and you’re willing to put in the work learning to become the perfect person. Show the company why you would be an asset to them and the best person for the job. 

4. Use your experience

Breweries are a business, which means they need everything a normal business does. Worked in accounting, sales, or HR for the past five years? Breweries need accountants, salespeople, and HR reps as well. Even if you are trying to get away from your previous line of work, you can leverage this to get a foot in the door. Let the company know that you have experience working in this area of a business, but you are also interested in switching roles and learning more about a different department. If you no longer want to work in that department, put in some time there and speak with your manager about switching departments. If you are a hard worker, the company will be willing to train you in a new area of the business.

5. Network

When I first started applying for jobs in the craft beer industry, I went to my friend that had many jobs in the food industry for advice. He didn’t have any advice because he was, “lucky enough to get jobs through friends.” While I could have been upset for not really getting advice, I took it as a sign that I needed to network. More than 70 percent of people land jobs through networking. I’ll say that again, 70 percent of people land jobs through networking. Putting yourself out there and making friends in the industry is going to be the quickest way to land a job. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people in your job search, including friends or family.

6. Volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to network and eventually get that dream job you’ve been wanting. Volunteering as often as you can, at many different events, and with different breweries will get your name out there. This shows that you are so passionate about craft beer you are willing to work with it for free! Not to mention the general experience working with craft beer. As mentioned before, you should always put your best foot forward, and volunteering is no different. Not working hard, even at a volunteer event, will be more harmful than beneficial. You’ll be meeting great contacts, but putting a bad taste in their mouths.

If you follow these steps, and always give your all, the dream job is bound to come around. Have any other tips that have helped you land your dream job? Or do you have an obstacle in the way, or any question in general? Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear about your experience finding and landing your dream job! Be sure to follow my social media accounts to stay up to date and sign up for my newsletter!


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